SPECIAL Transport & Sustainability Committee


1.00pm 21 June 2023


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall



decision list



Part One





A259 Active Travel Improvement Scheme Fourth Avenue - Wharf Road



Contact Officer:

Tracy Beverley

Tel: 01273 292813


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Committee agrees to redesign the A259 Fourth Avenue to Wharf Road scheme. 


2)            That the Committee notes that significant additional funding will be required to redesign and deliver the final scheme. The final scheme design and funding requirements will be subject to a further report to this committee, including funding sources such as other external grant or reallocation of the Councils Programme.


3)            That Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture to take all steps necessary to terminate the current call-off Contract for the A259 Fourth Avenue to Wharf Road Active Travel Scheme and notes the financial implications of both the stand-down charges and termination fees as detailed in section 7 of this report.

